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One Year Ago Today...

Today is my dad's birthday and my sister's birthday, and one year ago today is the day we found out our lives were about to change forever. November 8th will always have a special place in our hearts because we met our beautiful daughters on this day.

After waiting 5 months (that felt like 5 years), we received that life-changing text, followed by that life-changing call, followed by that life-changing hospital visit. Although we were uncertain if those precious girls would one day be our daughters, God knew all along because it was all part of His plan long before my husband and I met or got married or began trying to start a family.

I'm so thankful for a God who knows the deepest desires of our hearts and wants to give His children good gifts. (Matthew 7:11)

So much has changed in our lives in the past year, and even though I quit my job to stay home - let me tell you... I work more than I ever have before! Life as a parent is hard - no doubt, but I truly believe that the 3 years of no's we received from God when we asked for children prepared us to be parents.

Side note: I can't believe how little the girls were here - I was holding my friend's sweet one week old and kept thinking "I can't believe the girls used to be this small".

When they were that small, I couldn't imagine them getting bigger and running around and talking, and now that they are running around and babbling, I can't imagine them being small. People say that every stage is awesome (maybe minus the terrible twos and threes!), and I didn't really believe them. I kept thinking how I loved my tiny little snuggly babies, but I love getting to witness them learning new things every day and laughing and loving each other. Every phase thus far has been my favorite.

Exactly one year ago, we were sitting in that hospital room loving on our sweet girls as our future hung in the balance. Now I sit here as my sweet daughters sleep upstairs, and I'm certain there will be ups and downs, but I'm so thankful to know that I get to be their mama forever.

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